Is liberalism tyrannical ? Perils of Liberty in the 21st century

Liberty of a Capitalist

Monarchies in pre modern times were largely autocratic and normalized rule of men over rule of law. People were mere subjects having little liberty and rights.  This was tyrannical, diabolical and dictatorial as it gave absolute liberty to one individual to rule over other people.

Later it was decided to divide this liberty among all people who now became citizens with some inalienable rights such as right to property, freedom of trade etc. Citizens themselves became sovereign entities and rulers became office holders bound by rule of law. Liberty was in one way a good development as it was a bulwark against arbitrariness of a tyrant. It allowed citizens to express themselves fully, pursue happiness in their own way and fulfill their individual dreams. However, a new capitalist class was born and new forms of tyranny came along with it. Colonialism, Imperialism, slavery, ultra nationalism, resource exploitation, environmental pollution, class division, inequalities and deprivations were all a result of unchecked liberalism.

Liberal politics and free market in one part of the world meant subjugation and exploitation in other parts of the globe such as in Asia, Africa and even Americas. For instance, Dadabhai Naroji's 'Poverty and Unbritish rule in India' showed how industrial revolution and liberty in Britain led to drain of wealth, de-industrialization and negative liberty in India.

Post World War 2, modernization theory of development was being followed by the Western powers to defeat the challenge of communism coming from Soviet Union. The liberal story emerged victorious by 1989 when the US won the Cold War. It was now time to unleash the tyranny of neo liberal forces of globalization, neo colonialism, commodification of civic life, marketization of public goods, privatization etc. For instance, sudden decline in female Labour Force Participation. Rate (LFPR) in India from 45% in early 1990's to around 25% now, forceful eviction of tribals from their homes to build dams and factories, loss of Common Property Resources (CPR) like pastures, arable lands in the villages point to the dangers of extreme liberalism in a market society.

Today, we are living in a digital age within a techno-economic risk society what is popularly called as Fourth Industrial revolution. It thrives on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR), manufactured perceptions or Post truths, coercive and flawed consent in privacy agreements, surveillance capitalism, nexus with politico-bureaucratic system, brutal monopolies etc. For instance, WhatsApp privacy policy leaves no choice for users, IPR's on Covid-19 drugs, medical devices and vaccines prevent mass inoculation and recovery of humanity in a once in a century crisis, largescale retrenchment and de-skilling of workers due to 3D printing, automation and robotics is alienating labour once again and bringing back social and moral questions raised by sociologists like Karl Marx and philosophers like Immanuel Kant.

What is the root cause of this tyranny ? Liberalism was supposed to be good right? It gives us freedom of speech and expression, natural rights, meritocracy, democracy, equality of opportunity, human dignity and so on. Why does it then become tyrannical? The answer perhaps lies in human psychology and is grounded in morality. Thomas Hobbes, a 17th century English philosopher his book 'Leviathan' argues that human beings keep fighting in 'state of nature' because of their selfish nature. Another popular English philosopher of 19th century called John Stuart Mill in his seminal piece 'On Liberty' cautions against the tyranny that comes with exercise of liberty. According to him, exercise of liberty by an individual includes within it a 'principle of no harm' for others. Therefore, liberalism entails a high degree of moral responsibility and demands a sense of humility, fairness, justice, empathy and compassion from the individual. Isn't it too much to ask from an individual who may be irrational and selfish at times? Even institutions having years of experience manage to have only a 'bounded rationality' of their environment. 

In conclusion, it can be said that liberalism per se is not tyrannical but it is the inability of humanity to become humane that gives liberty a bad name. The solution therefore lies in cultivating acceptance, nurturing kindness and embracing humility to make our society happier, safer and more just. As John Locke says, liberalism and rights like private property(including IPR's) serve their best purpose when "at least there is enough, and as good, left in common for others".


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