
Showing posts with the label risk society

Is liberalism tyrannical ? Perils of Liberty in the 21st century

Liberty of a Capitalist Monarchies in pre modern times were largely autocratic and normalized rule of men over rule of law. People were mere subjects having little liberty and rights.  This was tyrannical, diabolical and dictatorial as it gave absolute liberty to one individual to rule over other people. Later it was decided to divide this liberty among all people who now became citizens with some inalienable rights such as right to property, freedom of trade etc. Citizens themselves became sovereign entities and rulers became office holders bound by rule of law. Liberty was in one way a good development as it was a bulwark against arbitrariness of a tyrant. It allowed citizens to express themselves fully, pursue happiness in their own way and fulfill their individual dreams. However, a new capitalist class was born and new forms of tyranny came along with it. Colonialism, Imperialism, slavery, ultra nationalism, resource exploitation, environmental pollution, class division, inequ...