How to automate and track vaccine slot notifications? 6 Hacks, Tips, Tricks & Ideas to get VACCINATION real fast using COWIN portal in INDIA

I recently got my first jab on May 15, 2021 at Max Hospital in East Delhi. I am going to list below a few tricks that I used to book my slot. Hope you find these pointers useful.
1. Register on free vaccine tracker websites that notify you whenever new vaccine slots are available near your residence. It's a really smart way to book your slot instead of wasting entire time on Cowin portal. Go to the portal only when you are notified. It actually works. I registered on Vaccine Slot Notifierand you should definitely do it too. Below are some notifications I received on my email from

2. I found Cowin app to be slower than web version. I recommend using web version of Cowin portal via android smartphone for quick OTP and registration.

Plus web version can be easily translated into local languages such as Hindi on popular browsers like Google Chrome but Cowin app is not having this feature.

3. Always opt for the morning slot that is 9 am to 11 am. Once you get the slot, do not relax. The battle is only half won. Do visit the centre one day before your actual date to check the exact location, to talk to health staff and security personnel etc. I visited one day in advance and got useful tips such as to visit the centre early morning around 7:30 am even though reporting time mentioned is 9 am. If your centre is government funded or free of cost, then you may have to go even earlier say around 5 am to get the ‘token’.

4. If you can afford the price, I urge you to visit paid centres as there is relatively less rush, social distancing is well maintained and dedicated waiting areas are in place in an orderly manner. My parents had visited Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) in Ghaziabad but it was lacking in basic aspects of care and caution. Their experience was not all that good in this public health centre. On the other hand, my experience at Max Hospital was super smooth(btw this post is not at all sponsored). Plus it is wiser to leave free vaccines for Antodaya/BPL/SC/ST/OBC/Senior households right!

5. Select a centre as close to your home as possible say within 10 km. You may have to make multiple trips between your centre and home.

6. You may like to take a paracetamol 1 to 2 hours before your first jab to prevent side effects like headache, body ache, nausea etc. Relax, lie down, sleep for long hours say 9 to 10 hours and you will wake up energized and fresh the next day. Apart from pain in my left arm, there are no other side effects that I feel.

I hope you found the information useful. Go get yourself vaccinated asap. All the best!


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