Incredible Life-A photo gallery

Dwellers of Antarctica- King Penguin and others

A Stork having a quiet meal

Pelicans lazing in the tropical sun

Great Cormorants and Swans

Rainbow Parrots showing off their colorful plumage 

A proud congregation of the Greater Pink Flamingos

An amazing Amazon Parrot

A White-Faced Saki Monkey

A Brown Lemur

An adorable and meek Greater Mousedeer

Black and White Colobus Monkeys

Patas Monkeys

A Brown Capuchin Monkey

Douc Langurs

Inhabitants of the Arctic- Raccoon Dogs 

The first "Tropical" Polar Bear named Inuka

Spectacular Inuka going for his prey

Bornean Orangutans busy having their meal

Not from the south pole-African Penguins

An exotic fresh water turtle- Alligator Snapping Turtle

A Mississippi Paddlefish

An African Dwarf Crocodile

A nasty Tigerfish

Mekong Giant Catfish

A beautiful Giant Freshwater Stingray

Big birds of the wetlands-Lesser Adjutant Stork
A Yangtze Alligator in search of something

He found something in the water

A cute Red Panda trying hard to sleep

Is it a Jaguar or an Otter? It is none but actually both.

A giant Mermaid? It is a Manatee also called a sea cow

Mesmerizing Jelly Fish

A Clown Fish looking for its mate

Ferocious Sharks in deep blue sea


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