Time To Make Overtures

One big and happy family...  – are we?

There is no big a hypocrite than a human being who feigns every action with impeccable skill and tries to win hearts through his slyly contrived emotions. He nevertheless calls himself a human, notwithstanding his baleful and fiendish motives aimed at making this world bereft of all hope and light. A jungle with hundreds of different species living in harmony seems to be more peaceful and united than a colony of human beings.

Differences arose since the time humans evolved and came into existence which was aeons ago; not much has changed since. In fact, as humans have grown and proliferated, their thinking has narrowed and their horizons have shrunk to a minuscule.

In the earliest of civilizations, everyone was a shareholder and society was egalitarian. As people evolved corporeally and developed spiritually, thoughts and beliefs emerged which gave vent to philosophy and to a concept which has since been the biggest bone of contention among humans-religion. People belonging to a religion were still as unhappy as they were unsatisfied; this gave birth to different sects and communities so that people could wrangle and squabble more often. These seemingly innocuous contretemps took a horrific and destructive shape later on.

Sometimes, people were also segregated with regard to their occupation which led to the origin of the much divisive and indisputably the most contentious practice of the caste system. It was as if people were getting restless over the monotony of fighting over religion, so they introduced another diabolical concept to quarrel over.

With economic divides and a deep chasm in living standards prevalent since time immemorial, the new and inchoate ideas of philosophy, religion and caste made for a ragbag of distrust, disharmony, fear and despair. Stories and incidents of communal violence and hate mongering have become platitudes in present world. Moreover, regional differences have cropped up as well with people being racially classified as brown and black, without taking cognizance of the fact that it is the intense heat of the sun that chars their beautiful skin. Such bigotry on the basis of skin colour is ludicrous to say the least and deeply ironical as these very people residing in Africa happen to be our forefathers.

Exceeding all limits, rabble-rousers continue to brazenly spew venom in their hateful speeches to polarize and divide people. This ensures that all acts of goodwill as well as conciliatory measures undertaken by peace loving establishments and philanthropic organisations come to a naught. We can change this, can’t we?

Setting aside our indignation and being optimistic about the present and the future of our planet, we can surely state that there are still a good number of good people inhabiting this world who would love to behold the beautiful sight of different people living together as one big and happy family. All those who wish to make an impact should collectively strive for a better tomorrow. Peace can be won only through a dedicated channelling of necessary resources and humanly virtues like benevolence, compassion and most importantly tolerance. We should be in a position to care selflessly and love and help one another unconditionally; only then can a lasting and permanent peace be built. We can bring a remarkable and momentous change to our society and to the world, only if we vow to act on these lines rather than just preach.

I don’t understand the concept of boundaries and different countries for different people. I want this world to be free from political lines and preposterous barriers, just like our earth looks from outer space- free from wrinkles and full of joy.       


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